Saturday, July 22, 2006

Neighborhood Reminder

Hello Friends and Neighbors,

I continue to receive regular reports of neighbors who are in violation of neighborhood rules - the two most common reports are cars not parked in garages and yard lights not being lit from dusk to dawn. Both of these situations are specifically described, in no uncertain terms, in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions as being violations of neighborhood rules.

The processing of complaints and enforcement procedures are time consuming and costly to both Board members and your fellow neighbors. I would ask that you please respect the spirit of the covenants and take whatever actions necessary to both ensure your compliance and respect the rights of your neighbors to live in a neighborhood that meets the expectations set forth in the documents we all received upon moving into Lake Five Estates. Making some room in your garage or calling an electrician are two easy ways to maintain a consistent standard of property maintenance.

To further address this concern, I am asking for volunteers to participate in a committee to establish consistent enforcement procedures. I have also asked the other Board members to approve funds to have an attorney review our CCRs and the proposed enforcement procedure and these funds have been included as administrative fees in the recent dues collection. My main priorities in this matter are balancing the best interests of the neighborhood with the Board's obligations and what can be legally supported.


Leslie Malotky - President
Lake Five Estates Community Association, Inc.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Question About Garbage Collection

Q: What can be done about the garbage that gets blown into our yards and common areas?

A: The Board has contacted our waste services provider to notify them of the recurring problem of garbage falling off of their trucks. They have indicated that they will remind the drivers of their responsibility to pick up any garbage that is dropped during their route. If you continue to have problems, contact the Board for a phone number to reach them directly. To help prevent problems, please make sure your garbage is set out in tightly tied bags and that your recyclable paper is also tied securely.

Leslie Malotky - President
Lake Five Estates Community Association, Inc.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Question About New Owners

Q: How do we know that future neighbors purchasing existing homes will be aware of the CCRs?

A: Sellers are required by law to disclose if an Association governs the property. Many realtors send a questionnaire directly to the Board to get more information. In addition, the Board has directly contacted every agent with a listing in our neighborhood to inform them of our covenants and to offer assistance should potential buyers have further questions.

Leslie Malotky
President - Lake Five Estates Community Association, Inc.