Saturday, June 02, 2007

An interesting view!

Google Earth has an interesting view of the subdivision; click the picture for a larger view and use the "back" key to return to the main page

Sunday, May 06, 2007

1-May-07 HOA Meeting

Tuesday, May 1st from 7-9pm
Sussex Library
click image for details; "back" to return

Opening Comments (Leslie)
Garbage handling--please put garbage in closed/tied bags to avoid the trash from scattering durig pickup? Thx!

Common areas--please organize with your nearby neighbors to "Spring-clean" the areas near your home

Finances (Dave)
KEI contract has been renewed for maintenance of our common area; this year’s contract is about $2,700 less.

Insurance increase this year is to include fidelity bond required by the By-Laws as well as liability for the Association Directors and Officers.

The legal fund has reached it’s required $14,000 limit.


Committee Updates

Landscaping Update (Jim)
Reviewed plan for 2007 common areas maintenance.

Twin Pines does NOT have town-provided and town-serviced lights. Lisbon will install standard (wooden pole w/cross arm)street light for $1,850 and cover all electrical charges if desired.

Any plans to change the neighborhood entrance must be reviewed and approved by the Town of Lisbon.

Reviewed the current draft proposal for our front entrance enhancements. Due to cost, any plans would most likely be broken down into phases. Improvements will be subject to neighborhood vote prior to any activity being done. We (the board) hope to have additional proposals available to review at the June 4th meeting. Voting would be done via registered mail to give everyone an opportunity to vote.

ACC (Cindy Vance) & Enforcements (Mark Vance)
A brief summary of each area was shared.

Upcoming Election
With some debate, a tentative decision was reached:
Elections are not required as there are 5 candidates

New Board
Mark Vance, Lot 13
My wife and I, along with our two boys, have lived in Lake Five Estates for 5½ years. I am a CPA with 20 years of business experience. Currently I am self-employed and have a very limited work schedule so I have the time to volunteer to serve on the board. I believe we have a small subdivision and my goals for the board are simple:
· Keep our association fees as low as possible.
· Keep all homeowners well informed on significant decisions.
· Seek input from homeowners before any significant changes in the way the association operates.
· Use common sense to resolve issues that may arise.
· Maintain the current quality of our subdivision.
MaryAnn Camacho, Lot 21 aka "Jerry's wife"
My motive as one of the newest members of this neighborhood community is to get to know people. I firmly believe you get out what you put in to something. Jerry and I have moved 8 times in 13 years and we're done moving. We plan to stay here and want to do our part to give back to the neighborhood and make a home.

I have over 20 years industry experience and am currently the General Manager for a team in our largest Service Division at GE Healthcare. My portfolio includes technical and process engineering as well as conflict resolution and negotiations. I have specific experience in HOA duties supporting Jerry as Treasurer for one of our previous subdivisions. I also served as an active "hands-on" landscape committee member. I volunteer in the community on several projects including direct leadership for major school makeovers in the inner-city every summer.

I see the subdivision's beautiful homes and know they are an investment we've all chosen to make. I am sensitive that it takes money to care for these assets and our surrounding subdivision. We should be prudent in our expenses and diligent in our administration of them. I plan to carry forward the great steps that have already been laid by the current board and leverage their experience and processes as we move forward.
Kay Kaun, Lot #23
Jay and I moved here over a year ago, and love the neighborhood. I felt it was time for me to get involved in the Association and what better way than to volunteer for the board. I feel that the area we live in is beautiful and would like to be involved in insuring that it stays that way. I would work to keep expenses in line and still maintain the high level of quality that our neighborhood currently has.

I have a 4 year degree in accounting. I have worked in banking over 20 years, the last 10 as a Sr. V.P. Controller. After banking, I worked 4 years at an accounting firm. The last 3 years I have been "retired".
Leslie Malotky, Lot 8
Current President
Along with my husband, John, and children, I have lived in the neighborhood for almost 5 years, the last two of which I have served as the Board President. I work in the information technology field and have 14 years of business experience managing people and projects around the globe in industries ranging from heavy machinery manufacturing in the oil and energy trade to information systems in the financial services business. I am a certified project manager, a Six Sigma Green Belt and a classically trained soprano. The board has done a lot of work toward establishing things like procedures for neighborly complaints and maintenance of common areas. My current goal for our neighborhood is to maintain the level of quality we have while keeping the business side of things as practical, equitable and efficient as possible so that we can move our focus on to becoming a community.
Jim Strobel. Lot 2
Current Board Member
Thoughts and comments are welcome!