Thursday, September 14, 2006

Neighborhood Communication

The Board has received numerous comments with regard to neighborhood documents being distributed in various ways. To clarify for everyone, any communication from the Lake Five Estates Board of Directors will come from or through the US Postal Service. Such communications will either be signed by the Board or their point of origination will be obvious (for example, there is no signature on the post card you received announcing the next meeting but the source is obvious).

The Board of Directors DOES NOT place unmailed flyers into mailboxes and DOES NOT distribute personal information from one homeowner to another unless we are specifically referring an inquiry to somebody who has volunteered to be on a committee such as the ACC or Landscaping committee. Any other information you may have received was not affiliated with the Board.

As several homeowners have pointed out, putting unmailed flyers or papers into a mailbox is a federal offense. The law requires anything put in a mailbox to have proper postage affixed AND to be delivered through the US Postal Service. A few owners have discussed reporting such incidents to local authorities. This is also the Board's recommendation if you are concerned about this activity as it does fall under the jurisdiction of the local authorities.

Leslie Malotky - President
Lake Five Estates Community Association, Inc.

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